Speakers and Judges

The List of Speakers and Judges is updated by Dan Charbonnet. Email Dan at ddrc3@msn.com. The listings are posted on the NECCC website for easy access by clubs. This will allow you more room for program descriptions, and allow us to keep these lists up-to-date whenever new information is received.
  • Speakers List 
    • Speakers - Please provide a PDF or Word document with a detailed description of each program (all programs need to be listed in ONE document, not individually). 
  • Judges List 
    • All clubs need judges to judge image competitions, if you are willing to judge please send your form to Dan
  • New Judge and/or Speaker Application Form
    • Would you like to judge or present at a New England Camera Club? 
    • Speakers and Club presidents, please use this form for new persons that qualify to be a Judge and/or Speaker from your club and mail or e-mail it to Dan.
Would YOU like to present at the NECCC Annual Photography Conference? 
The conference is the largest and oldest of its type so it is a great place to present your photography at, sell your books and DVDs and/or educate photographers about your workshops. The New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) is a nonprofit umbrella group for camera clubs in the New England states (Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont). About 1/3 of our conference attendees come from out of the New England area. 

We are always looking for new programs with impact and energy. Send in your program idea here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/speakatNECCC

Speaker Expectations:
  • Present a one-hour TEACHING program 2-3 times over the weekend. 
    • FYI, This cannot just be pretty pictures and it cannot be an infomercial -- It must be a teaching program...in this current environment, we are competing with a flood of good images on Instagram, Facebook, 500px, etc. 
  • Give either a hands-on class, an interactive session, a photo op or a photowalk
  • Be willing to do a 50-minute one-on-one image review with one attendee (not all speakers end up giving one)
  • About 1/3 of our speakers will also be asked to teach a three-hour hands-on workshop, typically Friday morning, but a few will be scattered throughout the weekend. 
  • Be involved and interact with our attendees. This is critical in this day and age where we compete with people watching CreativeLive, etc. in their comfy pants :-)
    • We ask that speakers arrive before 4pm so on Thursday so that they can attend the 5pm speakers get together, meet with their pre-conference, photo-op, photo-walk liaisons and attend the pizza party Thursday evening. We ask that speakers stay until the end of the conference Sunday at 12:30pm.
    • We are looking for more feedback from the attendees like this from this past weekend.
      • On my first night at the conference, I was attempting to take a dusk photo of the UMASS Chapel & pond when I was approached by NECCC keynote speaker Darrell Gulin (at first I didn’t recognize who he was…it was dark!) …Darrell kindly asked what I was doing and offered some advice on shooting techniques…which I followed leading to this photo…Where else but NECCC can you get world-renowned photographers just passing by and offering to help you! WOW!
      • The Ira Block Photo Walk & the Bobbi Lane/Lee Varis Character Portraits Without Flash were terrific! The in-room seminars and lectures were also wonderful and very, very helpful... But actually getting out into the field with experts is a key conference draw for me.
      • Bobbi Lane & Lee Varis had creative and practical tips on how to take great portraits simply using a reflector…and then you got to practice these tips with colorful (and fun!) character models! What could be better!
      • On his photo walk, Ira Block used his tremendous experience and knowledge as a documentary photographer to show us how to take great photos even when the light is not `dramatic’. His tips were followed up by active shooting. His explanations of how he went about shooting his images for `Cuba Loves Baseball’ <a terrific book by the way!> helped us to understand how photography can help to break down cultural barriers.